Illinois Extension

Master Gardener Interest Form Vermilion County

Hello and Welcome to University of IL Extension!
This is your first step in becoming a Master Gardener in Vermilion County.
Training starts at the end of January and is self-paced. 

The next Training will occur in 2025.

Look over our website to learn more about the Master Gardener volunteer program. 
Vermilion County at 
Once you submit this interest form:
1) The Master Gardener Program Coordinator will contact you and provide registration paperwork consisting of 5 forms as required by the State Master Gardener program.
A background check thru Sterling with your social security number is also required along with a brief interview with the Master Gardener Coordinator.
You will receive an email from Sterling, the company that University of Illinois has contracted to take care of volunteer background checks at no cost to you.
Your payment and completed paperwork reserves your place in the classroom.
Additional Information:
  • The fee for 100% Remote Online MG Training is $300. 
  • Need Based Financial Assistance is available in limited amounts. There is a separate form required. 
  • Please contact the Vermilion County Extension Office to obtain Financial Assistance Form. 217-442-8615
  • We accept payment by check or credit card
  • There will be afternoon field trips for both in-person and online students to local greenhouse and community gardens. 
  • We will also be offering a mentor program where you will have an active Vermilion County Master Gardener to ask questions and help lead you thru the classes and internship. They will also help you become familiar with our projects and events.
2) Class topics include Insects, Soil, Plant Diseases, Vegetables, Fruits, Trees, Shrubs, Flowers and more. It is necessary to complete all ten classes to become a Master Gardener Intern. We do have ways to make up a class if necessary and approved by coordinator.
3) You have 2 years to complete your 40 hour MG Internship at a wide variety of approved projects ranging from helping with fundraisers to planting and tending community gardens. 
We also have a speakers bureau and programs with children and veterans. 
Most Master Gardeners complete the internship their first year- it is much easier than it sounds.

Contact Information

Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.