Illinois Extension

White-tailed Deer Management in Illinois

Date and Time: Thursday, October 3, 7 pm

Place: Dominy Memorial Library,  201 South Third Street, Fairbury, Illinois

Presenter: Dr. Peter Schlichting, Deer Project Manager at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)

Description of Program: Dr. Schlichting will share deer harvest data, including how county-wide harvest quotas are determined. He will also explain how the IDNR monitors and manages disease in the white-tailed deer population, specifically chronic wasting disease (CWD), and he'll answer questions about deer ecology, rutting behavior, and more.

Biography: Dr. Peter Schlichting was born and raised in Springfield, Illinois, and attended the University of Illinois. He subsequently received his Master's Degree at Stony Brook University in Anthropology and a PhD at Texas Tech University in Wildlife Biology. He started his field work as a technician with the Illinois Natural History Survey and has worked across the United States and internationally in Costa Rica, Madagascar, and Belarus. He has published numerous scientific papers on a range of wildlife, including wild pigs, large carnivores, and amphibians. He fishes, hunts, hikes, plays tennis and volleyball, and travels.

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