Illinois Extension

Wee Naturalists (Wee Nats) 2024-2025 - East Dubuque Public Library

Join the University of Illinois for Wee Naturalists (Wee Nats), a fun, interactive program for youth ages 4-7, where they learn about different environmental education topics through a story, activity, craft, and hike.

University of Illinois Extension 4-H Youth Educator Kelly Lafferty will host Wee Nats on the second Tuesday of the month at the East Dubuque Public Library, 122 Wisconsin Avenue, East Dubuque, IL. Each program will be held from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and an adult must stay with the youth during the program. There is no cost to attend Wee Nats. 

Please dress according to the weather as we will spend time in nature.

Dates and Topics

October 8 - Owls
November 12 - Fallen Log
December 10 - Turtles
January 14 - Sensational Snow
February 11 - Groundhogs
March 11 - Trees
April 8 - Birds
May 13 - Wetlands

Questions: Call the University of Illinois Extension (815) 858-2273
In case of inclement weather, an email notification about cancellation will go out to participants. 

Contact Information

Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.