Illinois Extension

Unit-Wide Community Service Project | Youth in Need

Unit-Wide Fall Community Service Project | Youth in Need

Join us in making a meaningful impact in the lives of young people in our community! We are seeking donations of new clothing for youth aged 5-18. Your contributions will provide essential support to children and teens in need, ensuring they have access to comfortable, well-fitting clothes, socks, and underwear.

What We Need:
  • NEW Clothing: All sizes for boys and girls, ranging from pants, leggings, shirts, and sweatshirts.
  • NEW Socks and Underwear: All sizes and age groups for boys and girls (please keep in original packaging).

How to Contribute:
  1. Collection Points: Drop off your donations at your local Extension Office or bring items to Officer Training on October 19.
  2. Volunteer Opportunities: If you’d like to get more involved, consider volunteering with sorting and distribution.

Your donations will directly support local youth, providing them with the necessary clothing to feel confident and comfortable. This initiative helps ensure that every young person has the opportunity to thrive. Donations will be disbursed throughout the schools in Christian, Jersey, Macoupin, and Montgomery counties.

Contact Information:
For more information, please contact your local Extension Office. 

Contact Information

All items must be new and in original packaging, if possible.

Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.