Illinois Extension

Tour of the Solar System March 20

Embark on an exhilarating adventure through the cosmos—without ever leaving your seat! Join us for an unforgettable journey through time and space at our Star Lab portable planetarium experience. This isn't just a show—it's an extraordinary opportunity to ignite curiosity, inspire the next wave of scientists, astronomers, and explorers, and explore the mysteries of the universe together as a family.

Mark your calendars for March 20, 2025 at Grace Church. We’re offering two mind-blowing planetarium presentations at 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Each 40-minute show is an intimate experience, with just 25 spots available, ensuring a truly immersive adventure.

Don’t miss out—join us for a stellar experience that will leave you in awe, starstruck, and eager for more!

Grace Church is located at 1211 W Hovey Ave, Normal

**As of 3/12, the 4:30 and 5:30 shows are FULL.   Please go here to register for a 6:30 show.  

Contact Information

Each session has a limit of 25 participants.
Please note that participants sit on the floor during presentations. This experience is intended for families with school aged children or adults.
To enter Star Lab, participants walk through an inflatable door. Seating for the presentation is on the ground. Participants are asked to remove shoes before entering Star Lab.
Please mark all that apply.

Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.