Stewardship Week 2024
Thank you for your interest in Stewardship Week. Registration has now closed. Please contact Lindsay Adams at to inquire about availability.
Thank you for your interest in Stewardship Week! We look forward to hosting your students. Please complete the form below to register your class or group for the event. We ask that, if possible, you register each classroom individually.
All details will occur through email so it is important to list an email address you check frequently.
Learn More About Stewardship Week
For the past 34 years, K-6 grade students have participated in Stewardship Week, a well-organized outdoor environmental education program. Your school is invited to send one or more K-6 level classes on a field trip to experience hands on learning led by conservation education professionals!
Stewardship Week 2024 will take place on the grounds of the University of Illinois Dixon Springs Agricultural Center (DSAC) in Pope County. To provide activities that are appropriate for various age levels, the week will be structured as follows:
Wednesday, April 17 - K through 3rd Grade and Home School Groups
Thursday, April 18 - K through 3rd Grade - FULL
Friday, April 19 - 4th through 6th Grade
This is a large-scale event, with over 100-trained professionals and 30 co-sponsoring organizations combining forces to offer a high-quality educational experience for your students. Classes from area schools will be accepted into the Stewardship Week 2024 program until we fill to capacity - typically around 2,000 students. Our capacity will depend on the availability and willingness of area resource professionals to lead the many learning stations scattered across the landscape at the Center.
Each registered group will receive a schedule and map to guide them through a series of "stations," where resource professionals will lead hands-on educational activities related to conservation and environmental stewardship. After all, your students are the future stewards of our planet and we are all, in some way, connected to the land. What better way to convey the importance of taking care of our natural resources than through the outdoor classroom setting of this award-winning program?
If this is the first time you have ever heard about Stewardship Week, ask around. Well over 73,000 students, teachers and parents have participated over the years. We want your school to become, or continue to be, a part of this environmental learning experience.
We will accept registrations on a first come, first-serve basis. We hope that we can fill the week with students this year. Please talk to your administrators quickly and register as soon as possible! We encourage you to please share this information with other teachers in your school or other teachers who might not have received this information directly.
Questions: Please contact Lindsay Adams at or call 618-695-2441.