Illinois Extension

Southeastern Agronomy Summit

The Southeastern Agronomy Summit, held from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Jan. 28, 2025, is an excellent opportunity for farmers and agriculture professionals to gather strategies that best support farming operations in Southeastern Illinois. The Southeastern Agronomy Summit is one of six summits provided statewide and will be held at the Edwards County Farm Bureau community room located at 15 S. Fifth St., Albion, IL 62806. 
Experts will present on the following topics:
  • Weed Management Strategies
  • Insect Management in Corn and Soybeans
  • Management Strategies with Low Incomes
  • Emerging Technologies in Farming
  • Tar Spot: What We Know and How to Manage
  • Agriculture Loans, the Future of Farm Loans, and Interest Rates
Lunch will be catered by The Smokin’ Pig and is sponsored by Citizens National Bank. Edwards County Farm Bureau will provide light refreshments.

The event is free to attend and open to farmers and agriculture professionals from any county in Illinois. Registration closes Jan. 21, and space is limited. 

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