Ready...Set...Grow... 2025
Thank you for your interest in this year's Ready...Set...Grow Gardening Workshop. At this time, registration is closed. If you have questions, please contact the Ogle County office at 815-732-2191.
2025 Ready...Set...Grow...Gardening Workshop, on Saturday, March 29 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM at Sauk Valley Community College (173 IL-2, Dixon, IL 61021).
Join the Master Gardeners of Carroll, Lee, Ogle, and Whiteside counties for this half-day event offering participants information about various aspects of home gardening.
This workshop includes:
- Keynote Presentation
- Two breakout sessions
- Tour of greenhouse facility
- Master Gardener Q & A Desk
- Door Prizes
The fee for this program is $25. The hands-on sessions have additional fees.
Registration deadline is March 15.
8:30 AM – Registration
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM – Welcome & Keynote Presentation
Gardening in the Shade
by Kim Hartmann, Rosborough Partners
We will highlight shade-loving plants that work well and look great in your home garden. We will go beyond the most common shade plants and give you new options for those shady places in your landscape. Learn to grow your own garden of ‘shady characters’.
SESSION ONE – 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM – CHOOSE ONE
Landscape Design 101: From Planning to Planting
by Kim Hartmann, Rosborough Partners
Does your yard need an update? Wondering how to put together a plan? We will share the key principles for creating a landscape that fits your needs.
Pawpaw: Our Native "Tropical" Fruit
by Doug Gucker, Local Food Systems and Small Farms Educator, Illinois Extension
The pawpaw, a fruit tree native to Illinois, has been gaining popularity in recent years. Pawpaw fruits are North America’s largest fruit, measuring between three and six inches long, and as people discover the unique flavor of the pawpaw, interest in learning how to grow pawpaws has also increased. Join Extension Educator Doug Gucker to explore the history of the pawpaw tree and how to grow this fruit at home. Participants will also be able to sample a pawpaw bread and discover the truly uniqueness of this fruit's flavor.
Everything Lavendar (Hands-On - additional $10 fee)
by Nancy Gmitro, Carroll County Master Gardener
Join us for a fragrant and educational workshop exploring the wonders of lavender! This hands-on session will delve into the history, properties, and versatile uses of this beloved herb. Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast, a DIY crafter, or simply a lavender lover, this workshop will inspire you to unlock the full potential of this versatile plant. Enjoy making some lavender crafts and finish off your experience with a soothing cup of lavender tea while enjoying lavender cookies.
Class size limited to 12 participants.
When Your Nearest Neighbors Aren’t Human (a.k.a. Living with Wildlife)
by Peggy Doty Anesi, Natural Resources, Environment and Energy Educator, Illinois Extension
Whether you live in a small community or a larger urban setting, wildlife is a part of your everyday life. Many species of wildlife are welcome visitors to our properties, but some may wear out their welcome. A person does not have to like everything nature has to offer, but as your nearest neighbor, you have the responsibility to understand why it is there and how to deal with it legally or simply enjoy the wild gift. Urban wildlife helps us maintain at least a small connection to nature. Peggy Anesi, University of Illinois Extension Educator, will share her knowledge both personal and professional on how to enhance and coexist with wildlife on your property as well as the legalities for removing it.
SESSION TWO – 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM – CHOOSE ONE
African Violet Propagation (Hands-On - additional $10 fee)
by Karen Stenzel, Lee County Master Gardener
Discover the joy of growing your own African violets in this hands-on propagation workshop! Perfect for beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts alike, this session will guide you through the fascinating process of creating new plants from leaves and cuttings. Each participant will receive: A selection of healthy African violet leaves for propagation, Hands-on experience potting and planting, Tips for ongoing care and how to encourage flowering.
Class size limited to 12 participants.
Improving Your Garden’s Soil Health
by Doug Gucker, Local Food Systems and Small Farms Educator, Illinois Extension
Is your garden not producing as well as it should, and are you not sure what to do? In this session, you will learn how to test for soil compaction and nutrient deficiencies, the importance of organic matter to your garden soil, how to create living soil, and other helpful soil management tips.
Veggie Visions: Unveiling New Flavors in 2025
by Bruce Black Horticulture Educator, Illinois Extension
Embark on a culinary adventure as we unveil the exciting lineup of new vegetables for the 2025 season! Learn about the unique characteristics, growing tips, and delectable uses of these fresh additions. Be among the first to discover the latest in vegetable gardening trends and get ready to transform your kitchen with a harvest of vibrant and enticing produce.
Post-Cicada Revival: Nurturing Tree Health After the Swarm
by Tricia Bethke
Join us for an enlightening session on restoring and enhancing tree health after the cicada onslaught in 2024. These fascinating insects leave behind a legacy of noise and activity, so we'll explore their impact on tree vitality and share practical strategies for recovery. Learn about the signs of cicada damage, effective care techniques, and proactive measures to ensure your trees thrive in the wake of cicada mania.
11:50 AM – Evaluations & Pick Up Door Prizes
12:00 - 12:30 PM Bruce Black will lead a tour of the greenhouse facility for anyone interested.
For more information about Ready…Set…Grow… and other Master Gardener programs, please call any Extension office in Carroll, Lee, Ogle or Whiteside counties. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, please contact your local Extension office. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time for meeting your access needs.
Carroll County Extension: 815-244-9444
Lee County Extension: 815-857-3525
Ogle County Extension: 815-732-2191
Whiteside County Extension: 815-632-3611