Illinois Extension

Master Gardener Waiting List

Thanks for your interest in the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Training Program!
This is a waiting list for people who are interested in becoming a University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteer. Currently, only on-line training is being offered in the Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam Unit. Training is typically offered three times a year during the late winter, summer and fall. Live webinar classroom training will be potentially available every other year.
The on-line training option allows volunteers to complete the training who may have never been able to in the past due to schedule or time conflicts. This online, self-guided course for Illinois residents can be completed any time of day or night. Set aside about 4 hours per week for videos, reading the manual and completing quizzes, and the training will be completed in 14 weeks. 
The Master Gardener Online Training includes 13 modules - an introduction and 12 subject-areas. Module topics include: Botany; Soils and Fertilizers; Plant Diseases; Entomology; Integrated Pest Management; Annuals and Perennials; Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines; Lawns; Small and Tree Fruits; Vegetables; Composting/Organic Gardening; and Living with Wildlife. Modules have been prepared by University of Illinois Extension Educators who are experts in their field.
Each module consists of several videos and an online quiz; therefore, a strong internet connection is highly recommended. Please note this training is not being offered in local Extension offices, but must be completed through use of a personal computer or other computer access. 
The registration cost for the program is $300, which includes the Master Gardener manual.
If you are interested in receiving e-mail notification when a training session is being offered, please fill out the information below so that we may contact you.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the Marshall-Putnam Extension office at (309) 364-2356, or visit our website at

Contact Information

Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.