Illinois Extension

Master Gardener Waiting List


Thanks for your interest in the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Training Program!
This is a waiting list for people who are interested in becoming a University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener volunteer. Currently, only on-line training is being offered in the Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam Unit. Training is typically offered three times a year during the late winter, summer and fall. Live webinar classroom training will be potentially available every other year.
The on-line training option allows volunteers to complete the training who may have never been able to in the past due to schedule or time conflicts. This online, self-guided course for Illinois residents can be completed any time of day or night. Set aside about 4 hours per week for videos, reading the manual and completing quizzes, and the training will be completed in 14 weeks. 
The Master Gardener Online Training includes 13 modules - an introduction and 12 subject-areas. Module topics include: Botany; Soils and Fertilizers; Plant Diseases; Entomology; Integrated Pest Management; Annuals and Perennials; Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines; Lawns; Small and Tree Fruits; Vegetables; Composting/Organic Gardening; and Living with Wildlife. Modules have been prepared by University of Illinois Extension Educators who are experts in their field.
Each module consists of several videos and an online quiz; therefore, a strong internet connection is highly recommended. Please note this training is not being offered in local Extension offices, but must be completed through use of a personal computer or other computer access. 
The registration cost for the program is $300, which includes the Master Gardener manual.
If you are interested in receiving e-mail notification when a training session is being offered, please fill out the information below so that we may contact you.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the Marshall-Putnam Extension office at (309) 364-2356, or visit our website at