Illinois Extension

Gardening in the Air! Virtual Gardening Symposium - Saturday, October 19, 2024

Gardening in the air! Virtual Gardening Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 CST
University of Illinois Extension and Iowa State University Extension have teamed up to offer a virtual gardening symposium. Combining expertise from both institutions, we are offering an assortment of current topics for you to pick and choose from. All will be offered via ZOOM so participants must have internet access and a valid email address.
Gardening in the Air! will offer three different tracks of topics. 
The Virtual Saturday will offer three tracks, each track offers a different program at 9:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. CENTRAL TIME. You decide which ones you want to participate in. We will send you ZOOM links before October 19 to the email you provide.
There is no registration fee to attend but a donation is appreciated.
Gardening in a changing environment
9 a.m. -10 a.m. "Pick Me"-Decision Points of How New Plants are Chosen presented by Joan Mazat, Business Manager Cut Flowers, Geraniums, & Poinsettias at Ball Horticultural Company.
Description: The presentation will discuss crucial points and traits looked for by garden staff for sales selection. Explore the decision-making process with Joan Mazat of Ball Horticulture Company.   
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.  Gravel Gardens and other Water Wise Gardening Techniques presented by Ed Lyon, owner Spellbound Garden Writing & Consultation is a retired professional horticulturist and gardener with 25 years experience in the public garden field.
Climate change, human modifications that present challenges in the modern home landscape, global water availability issues or geographic location are all reasons conscientious homeowners are looking at water-wise gardening. Every homeowner can incorporate water saving measures from simple solutions starting with plant selection to more complex considerations of new garden styles such as gravel gardening. Author and horticulturist Ed Lyon will approach the topic starting with why every gardener should consider practical approaches to water conservation as well as new garden styles and methods focused specifically on water-wise gardening. 
11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Urban Forestry for the 21st Century: A Climate Tool for all presented by Justin Vosso, Extension Specialist, Forestry University of Illinois.
Description: This presentation will focus on modern approaches, techniques, and best practices in Urban Forestry. We will explore how urban forests can be designed and managed to reduce pest and disease outbreaks, and how they can both mitigate and help us adapt to changing climate conditions. Finally, we will cover how everyone can contribute to the urban forest system, no matter your role in the community.   
Edible track (Vegetable):
9 a.m. -10 a.m.  History and Culture of Vegetables presented by Ajay Nair Professor, Extension Vegetable Specialist Iowa State.
Description:  The presentation will highlight major vegetables grown around the country and the world, their center of origin, and their production aspects. We will learn about their relevance in international markets, production statistics, and culinary uses. 
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Colorful Vegetables: Taste the Rainbow
presented by Bruce Black Horticulture Educator, University of Illinois Extension.
Description: This presentation will discuss plant characteristics that cause changes in popular and new cultivars of unique vegetables.
11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.: Vegetable Gardening: Methods for Small Spaces presented by Jennifer Fishburn Horticulture Educator, University of Illinois Extension.
Description: The popularity of Vegetable Gardening has grown considerably in recent years.  Growing fresh vegetables is a source of family fun, exercise, and fresh produce.  But what do you do if you have limited space to grow a garden?  Join University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator, Jennifer Fishburn, for “Vegetable Gardening in Small Yard Spaces.” Included will be a discussion of tying vegetable gardens into the landscape, gardening where you have space, raised beds, container gardens, gardening with an Earthbox® and salad table gardens™.
 Nature Critters Track:
9 a.m. -10 a.m.  If You Plant It, They Will Come: A Plan to Attract Birds presented by Peggy Anesi, Educator, University of Illinois Extension Natural Resources, Environment and Energy.
 Our relationship to birds runs through generations. We find flight and the many color variations intriguing and often wish we could have them stay year-round. Come hear Peggy Anesi share ways you can attract and enjoy birds in your yard with a few key ideas and a good gardening plan.
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.  What to Expect When You're Expecting Spotted Lanternfly to Arrive presented by Tricia Bethke, Forest Pest Outreach Coordinator at Morton Arboretum.
Description: Spotted lanternfly was confirmed in Illinois in September 2023! Learn how to identify, report, and manage spotted lanternfly.  The program will highlight how it got here, how to stop it from moving around, and how to ready your property and community. Additionally, we will review Illinois monitoring and pest assessments, and discuss what's next for this 'hungry' pest.  
11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.  Better Flower and Garden Photography is presented by Mark Stoltenberg, an award-winning 'fine art nature' photographer, instructor, speaker, and owner of Mark Stoltenberg Photography.
"Discover how to transform your flower and garden photos from 'Blah' to 'Wow' in this informative presentation. While capturing the beauty of nature can be challenging, you will be equipped with simple yet effective techniques to elevate your imagery. Whether you shoot with a DSLR or Mirrorless camera or your cellphone. This presentation is for you.
Key topics include:
·        Common mistakes: How to recognize, avoid, and correct frequent errors
·        Misconceptions: Debunking myths about flower and garden photography
·        Sharpness: Techniques to eliminate blurry photos
·        Fundamentals: Improving your basic photographic skills
·        Lighting: Identifying and utilizing ideal natural light
·        Composition: Essential rules for creating visually appealing images
·        Simplification: Strategies to declutter and focus your shots
Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this presentation will provide valuable insights to help you capture the true beauty of your flowers and gardens in your photography."
Some programs will be recorded and link will be sent out to only registered participants after Closed Captioning. 

Contact Information

Double/Triple check the above email addresses as that is where links will be sent. If you do not receive a confirmation- check your email address.
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Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.

Total Registration Cost $