Illinois Extension

Fall Tree Crawl

Come spend a few hours leisurely exploring the park and learning about the 21 different species of native trees. We will also be highlighting the tree identification project that our Master Gardener and Master Naturalist volunteers created. Volunteers will be on hand to explain how to use the QR codes set up on the tree signs in the park. It will be the perfect way to kick off the fall season.

Saturday, October 5 | 9:00 to 11:00 am
Monticello Forest Preserve Park
1411 N. Market St.
Monticello, IL 

Register by October 4!

For more information, contact Stephanie Hale at or 217-877-6042. 

Contact Information

Early requests are encouraged to allow sufficient time for meeting access needs.

Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.