Illinois Extension

Digital Pressure Canning Class, Milan

This registration is now closed. 

The new digital pressure canner is designed to simplify your canning experience.  With precise controls and digital features,  this modern appliance ensures accuracy  and ease, making home canning more  accessible and efficient than ever. Join Kristin Bogdonas, Illinois Extension nutrition and wellness educator, for a hands-on canning experience.
Wed Aug 14, 4:30 - 6:30 PM, Illinois Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave. Milan, IL
We will be using the digital pressure canner and steam canner to process two different vegetables. 
  • Learn about the different features of approved canners on the market. 
  • Get hands-on experience using an electric pressure canner and steam canner.
  • Participants will receive a canned vegetable and resources to use at home.
Registration fee is $10/person. Space is limited so register today! 
 Because of the limited number of spaces available, you must pay in advance.