Digging Deep into Data: Using Balance Sheets for farm planning and decision making
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To Reach the Cook County Small Farms and Local Foods team, please email or call Sarah Batka at 217-300-8636 or sbatka@illinois.edu
The course has two components. Free templates will be provided.
Part 1: a 1-hour virtual lecture on why/how to use balance sheets, followed by discussion and Q&A.
Part 2: an in-person guided work session where you will have the opportunity to input your own data in to an Excel template, share results, and/or discuss solutions to potential cash flow problems that may be revealed after completing the worksheets. Instructors and students will collectively brainstorm solutions.
Virtual Webinar Balance Sheets:
Wednesday December 11, 2024, from 6:30 to 8 pm. Learn how Balance Sheets can benefit your farm business planning and how they can be used for forecasting and decision making.
In-Person Work Session: Friday December 13, 2024, from 9 am to 3 pm at
8753 S. Greenwood Chicago, IL 60619. Bring your laptop and farm data for this day-long work session. The Cook County Local Food Systems and Small Farm team will be on hand for one-on-one coaching. Lunch will be provided for the in person session, and everyone who attends will receive a copy of
Fearless Farm Finances. You MUST have attended the virtual session in order to attend the in person session.
Cost: The Virtual session is at no cost.
The in person session requires a $10 refundable deposit to ensure attendance.
Instructor(s): Kathryn Pereira, Extension Educators, Local Food Systems and Small Farms. In person session also guided by
Sarah Hoerner of Compeer Financial.