Illinois Extension

Decatur Public Library Chess Club!

The registration period has ended.
Checkmate! The DPL 4-H Chess Club is open to youth at any experience level. Sessions will involve instruction on basics and time for youth to play against each other. Children of all ability levels are welcome to learn how to play chess, do some drills, and play against others.
  • General rules
  • How pieces move
  • Strategies
  • How to get checkmate
  • Then play chess!

DPL Chess Club will be held on the first and third Saturday of each month starting January 20. You may attend as many dates as you would like. 
  • January 20
  • February 3, February 17
  • March 2, March 16
  • April 6, April 20

Decatur Public Library | Children's Auditorium | 130 N. Franklin St. Decatur | 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Youth ages 5 to 18 are welcome to participate

There is no fee for this program
*4-H Membership is not required but encouraged.
*For questions and reasonable accommodations please contact
Ben Steele.