Pre-registration is required to attend an in-person workshop. Class size is limited in some locations due to space constraints.
Each workshop location will open at 8:30 a.m., and training will begin at 9 a.m. The training lasts 3.5 hours, and IDOA staff will administer the exam after the training. The Illinois Extension training fee is $40, and IDOA’s certification fee is $30.
A range of topics related to the operation, management, and utilization of livestock waste and waste facilities will be covered. Additionally, the latest regulations, best management practices, and research for manure-related issues will be discussed. The training manual used will be the “Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum.” It is available at
The LMFA requires facilities designed for 300 or more animal units to have at least one employee certified in environmentally aware manure management techniques. Facilities designed for 301 to 999 animal units must have at least one employee attend a workshop OR complete the online training. Facilities with more than 1,000 animal units must have a certified livestock manager attend a workshop and pass the IDOA exam OR complete the online training and pass the online test.
For the 2025 season, there will be 50 questions on both paper-based and online tests. The passing grade is 70% or 35 of 50 questions. A Spanish version of the test is now available upon request. Young family members under 18 are welcome to take the training, but they cannot be the only certified managers at the facilities.
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Have questions about the CLMT program, please contact University of Illinois Extension Educator
Stanley Solomon at or by phone at 815-235-4125.