Illinois Extension

Being a Catalyst for Change

The registration period has ended.
Being a Catalyst for Change

Thursday, March 14 at 12 PM CT

Innovation, integration, and motivation – all require change. For managers, volunteers, community leaders, and activists, being a catalyst for change is the first step in aiding individuals, organizations, and communities to take on this important work. Because most people fear change even when they believe it is what they need, a catalyst must be prepared to not only challenge those fears but help mediate them.  In this workshop, participants will focus on identifying and strengthening their traits and skills, including courage, passion, and confidence. Using their skills, and helping others use their skills, is imperative if change is to take place. The program is based on in-depth research on being a change agent, as well as the personal experiences of the presenter. 


Pam Schallhorn is an Extension Specialist in Community & Economic Development. Over a thirty-five-year career in community and economic development, the presenter has catalyzed change in many different communities.  She understands the obstacles and pitfalls of following your passions and presenting new ideas. Before coming to Extension, she was a commercial lender and Director of the Small Business Development Center in Rockford, IL.  She holds a master’s degree in political studies and a bachelor’s in finance.  

Keywords:  change agent; confidence building; motivation