Illinois Extension

4-H Dog Class 2025

2025 Dog Class 

The 4-H Dog project helps youth learn to care for their four-legged, furry friend!  Learn to feed, care for, and keep a dog healthy; groom and train your dog; and be a responsible dog owner by participating!  

  • March 5 - Clinic: Obedience & Training Techniques (register in ZSuite) 
  • March 19 - Clinic: TBD at Extension Office
  • April 2 - Clinic TBD at Extension Office
  • April 16 - Dog Classes begin: Obedience & Showmanship
  • June 7 - Dog Fun Show
  • June 14 - 4-H Dog Show

Dog Obedience & Showmanship Classes will be offered on Wednesdays ONLY in the Beef Barn at the McHenry County Fairgrounds beginning at 6 pm. Classes will be assigned based on experience level and number of members registered and as such, can not be predetermined at this time.  

In order to participate in the 4-H Dog program, participants MUST become a 4-H member. The annual 4-H member fee is $20, if you are not a current 4-H member, please enroll in the DOG SPIN Club at See the Welcome to 4-H ZSuite enrollment for instructions on how to join 4-H. 

In addition to the annual membership fee, the required cost for dog activities which includes equipment, mats, and any additional materials 

  • $25.00 if enrolled in ONE class: Obedience or Showmanship Class 
  • $45.00 if enrolled in TWO classes with the same dog
  • NO REFUNDS after the first class has begun.
    If you are unable to pay the fee and need financial assistance, please contact Michele Aavang at

See COMPLETE 2025 Dog packet with required forms for more information

REMIND App:   
Sign up to receive communication about cancelations, updates, or reminders by text or email with instructor. 
Send a text to: 81010
Text this message: @4hdogclass

Required Ethics:
ALL 4-H members must complete the QAEC/Quality Assurance & Ethics Certification in ZSuite Clover Academy ONE time during their 4-H Career including the the additional  "Dog & Cat" section.

McHenry County 4-H Dog Obedience class descriptions:
Obedience exercises for ALL classes are based on AKC obedience regulations. 
  • Beginner Novice 1 – This class is for inexperienced dogs and handlers. No dog or handler may repeat this class.
  • Beginner Novice 2  - This is for experienced dogs and handlers. Dogs that are repeating Beginner Novice would be in this class as would new dogs with experienced handlers
  • Pre Novice - This class is for dogs that have successfully completed Beginner Novice 1 or 2 or at the discretion of the instructor. Dogs that repeat this class are not eligible for state competition.
  • Novice 1 & 2 - This class is for dogs that have successfully completed Pre-Novice or at the discretion of the instructor. Dogs that repeat this class are not eligible for state competition. 
  • Graduate Novice - This class is for dogs that have successfully completed Novice or at the discretion of the instructor. Handlers in this class will learn how to correctly choose a dumbbell for their dog, how to measure their dog at the withers, know their dog’s height for jumping and be familiar with the rules and regulations.

RALLY-O will be offered as an optional clinic with no additional charge in place class. 
Rally signs will be used for both Beginner Novice 1 and 2 as stated in AKC rules and regulations.
  • Rally Novice: 10-15 signs are used (not including start and finish). 3-7 of the signs must be “stationary” sings. Performed on leash.
  • Rally Intermediate: 12-17 signs are used (not including start and finish). 3-7 of the signs must be “stationary” signs. At least 3 “advanced” signs. Performed on leash. 

CONTACT: 4-H Dog Program coordinator, Ashley Emmert, or Lisa Lillie, if you have a question as to which obedience class you should register or to answer questions specifically about the Dog program.

Showmanship Classes
  • Novice Showmanship Junior-Exhibitors ages 8-13 as of Sept. 1, 2024
  • Novice Showmanship Senior-Exhibitors ages 14-19 as of Sept. 1, 2024
  • Open Showmanship Junior- Exhibitors ages 8-13 as of Sept. 1, 2024
  • Open showmanship Senior-Exhibitors ages 14-18 as of Sept. 1, 2024

CONTACT: Emily Chrisos for questions about the Dog Showmanship through the Remind App.

Dog packet packet with required forms 
Please complete and submit ONLY those forms that apply below.  One member per form. 

Dog Forms can be uploaded HERE for you convenience

Additional Dog Project Information
ALL youth ages 8-18 as of September 1, 2024 are welcome to join! Those not already enrolled in the 4-H program, will become an Illinois 4-H member by joining the Dog SPIN Club.  Once a 4-H member, youth can participate in ANY 4-H project area!  See the Illinois 4-H Projects

Click the following link to learn more about: 

McHenry County 4-H Dog project webpage:

For more information on joining McHenry County 4-H please see: Welcome to 4-H ZSuite enrollment

If you have questions about the 4-H program, please contact Michele Aavang, 4-H Youth Development Educator, at the Extension office: 815-338-3737 or maavang@illinois.ed


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University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
If you need a reasonable accommodation to attend, call the registration office at (815) 338-3737

Contact Information

Please complete a SEPARATE registration for EACH 4-H Youth member enrolling in the DOG program.

Register under YOUTH name NOT parent name. Thank you!
Name/s, cell phone & email (if different from registration above.)
If NO, you will need to enroll as a 4-H member at This will require an additional $20 member fee.
If DOG SPIN Club is you only club, please indicate Dog SPIN Club as your primary club.
One dog per registration.
ONE dog per registration. Beginner/Intermediate classes will be offered Wednesday with Ashley. Advanced classes on Thursday with Patti - depending on number of youth enrolled. Class days/times can not be guaranteed. Instructors have the right to change the class roster/schedule as needed.
Classes offered on Wednesday ONLY. One registration per dog.
NOTE: If you do not plan to attend the 4-H training, the training facility must be pre-approved by Dog Show coordinator, Lisa Lillie. Members that ONLY belong to the Dog SPIN Club that are NOT attending 4-H training MUST attend four 4-H Dog activities, including but not limited to: Dog Info meeting, Dog Fun Show, 4-H Dog Clinics or other approved 4-H events.
ZSuite enrollment, confidential behavior form, registration form/s, additional forms with photos of dog.
We need YOU to help make Dog class happen. Please consider volunteering at your child's class...

This registration does NOT take the place of the required paperwork needed to participate in the Dog Training program.

Refund Policy

Refund policy - If a member needs to cancel enrollment for their DOG class, FULL REFUNDS will be given if the cancellation is made to BOTH the Extension office AND the class instructor prior to the FIRST scheduled class. 


Total Registration Cost $