Illinois Extension

2025 OpenSciEd Professional Development for High School Teachers

Thank you for your interest in High School OpenSciEd Professional Learning!
If your District will be paying for your registration, first email for payment instructions.

Please complete the following registration and payment to confirm your attendance.
Participants are asked to fill out a talent release form. Please bring on the first day.
If you have questions about this registration, please visit our website or contact Amy Morton at

Dates: June 16-19, 2025
Time: 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Location: Evergreen Park Community High School
9901 S Kedzie Ave, Evergreen Park, IL 60805
Further instructions will be provided via email nearer to the PL date, so please include best contact email and phone number below.

For ISBE PDHs you will be required to provide your IEIN.
For more information about OpenSciEd, please see

Contact Information

We will use name to create your name badge, so please enter the name you prefer to be called.
If you cannot be reached at your school email during the summer, please provide an alternate email.
All participants will be together for "whole group" activities, then participants will split into curriculum groups to focus on one of the grade level units. Units that do not reach minimum enrollment will be cancelled. Please indicate your second choice unit in the next question, in case your unit is cancelled.
All participants will be together for "whole group" activities, then participants will split into curriculum groups to focus on one of the specific .1 units. Units that do not reach minimum enrollment will be cancelled. Participating in an alternate unit can be a great way to learn about OpenSciEd.
All participants will be together for "whole group" activities, then participants will split into curriculum groups to focus on one of the specific .1 units. Units that do not reach minimum enrollment will be cancelled. Participating in a unit in an alternate can be a great way to learn about OpenSciEd.
We will do our best to accommodate common dietary restrictions. If we cannot accommodate you, we will email you so you can make alternative plans.
Please print and sign the release and bring it with you to the first day of programming.
**If your district is paying please DO NOT select a location. Just enter the code provided in your email.** If you live in or teach in Cook County, your payment is subsidized by the Cook County Initiative.
Discount code

Civil Rights Compliance - Participant Info

As part of our commitment to providing equal opportunities in our programming, University of Illinois Extension is required to collect and report overall statistics about the race, ethnicity, and gender of program participants. Your responses are voluntary and appreciated.

Refund Policy
Full refund available until two weeks prior to the first day of programming. If you are unable to attend, please request a refund by emailing by June 2, 2025. If the program is cancelled, fees will be refunded for all participants. 
Total Registration Cost $