Illinois Extension

2024 Unity Community Center After-School Program: Fall

This registration has been archived.
Unity Community Center's Afterschool program is currently accepting enrollment for the Fall semester. The semester will begin on September 3 and end on December 13. The program is offered Monday through Friday from 2:30pm - 5:30pm. Unity will be providing a variety of programming for youth. Unity's afterschool program will be restricted to 45 students for in person programming. We currently have 30 Kindergarten-5th grade slots available and 15 Grade 6-12 slots available. 
If registering more than one child, you must complete separate registrations.
In order to register for the afterschool program, your child must be a enrolled within a Unit 5 school and meet Town of Normal's income guidelines outlined below. 
FY 2023 Town of Normal HUD Income Limit Guidelines - Income must fall below listed amount for family size
Family Size
1 - $61,800
2 - $70,600
3 - $79,450
4 - $88,250
5 - $95,350
6 - $102,400
7 - $109,450
8 - $116,500