2023 Chicago - School Garden Assistance
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Supporting your school garden is important to us, and Illinois Extension’s horticulture team will do our best to serve you in 2022. We will be able to consult with you remotely and provide you with invaluable resources via our
School Garden Resources website. However, staff time for on-site visits is limited.
When considering a school garden, U of I Extension recommends educating yourself, securing/preparing your sponsors and recruiting volunteers and students to participate in nurturing the garden. Before implementing a school garden we recommend having at least five dedicated garden supporters (may include parents, teachers, school garden coordinators, administrators) that are willing to assist with the garden program.
There are many benefits to be obtained in a school garden project and University of Illinois Extension is here to help! Please complete the following form to help us understand the scope of the project and make proper recommendations for the site. We can then attempt to recruit Master Gardener volunteers to provide guidance for your specific garden project.
NOTE: To make the most of on-site visits, we are implementing a school and community garden training. Priority will be given to those organizations that attend our virtual training in March, 2023.
 Contact Gemini Bhalsod gbhalsod@illinois.edu for further information on the School and Community Garden trainings.